Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Television/Game Schedule: General Information

For those folks who continue to look for the Little League World Series television schedule, here's a link to the relevant web page. This schedule includes all the televised games at all levels of Little League. Personally, I'm looking forward to the Midwest and Great Lakes championship games in the Central Regional.  I'll be looking for my friend Jay McNeely on one of those two games.

Official 2012 LLWS logo "borrowed"
from the Little League web page  (link)
For specific information regarding the games and teams involved with the Little League Baseball tournament in Williamsport, here's a link to the 2012 schedule and bracket.  This is a PDF file that you can print and mark up as the tourney progresses.  Also, here is a link to the World Series (Baseball) web site as well as a link to Little League's Facebook page.

As I noted previously, none of us umpires yet know what games we will be working nor which particular position we will be assigned.  I suspect we'll know some information by the evening of August 15th, and probably just our assignments for the first few days of the tournament.  The games being on August 16th.  Hence, keep checking this blog for updated information.  Given that the first five days of the tournament have at least four games scheduled, I speculate that most of the sixteen umpires will work at least one game a day and perhaps two on some of those days.  Just thinking of that possibility makes me both excited and a bit anxious.

To prepare for those television close ups, I'm getting my hair cut today at Fritz's Barber Shop in Rochester, PA - my hometown.  I go back once a month to have Allen Fritz cut my hair, then I drop in on the parents to have a free lunch and to catch up on the family gossip.  Allen has cut my hair since I was a young boy and has done an exceptional job, not counting those three or four times he nicked my jugular.  But who's counting?  It's all blood under the bridge.  If I tell him that his work will be on national television maybe I'll get the hair cut for free!  Then again, probably not.

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