Sunday, August 26, 2012

Championship Day Begins

I arrived at the park around 9:45 AM and the place is a beehive of activity. The first game's umpires are getting ready and there's a subdued atmosphere in the locker room. Mostly, I believe this is due to the fact that we now realize that this magical ride is coming to a close. Everything we do now is for the last time as a LLWS umpire. I hope that this melancholy is just a fleeting moment.

I'm looking forward to my game assignment. Not everyone made the championship game crew and I feel guilty in some respect. There are 15 other guys who also deserve this honor. I hope those not on the field realize that a part of them will be with me. None of us worked this series as individuals. We are more than a team. We are a true Band of Brothers.

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