Monday, August 20, 2012

Game Assignments and Posting Thoughts

My apologies for not getting to post today's games until late last night.  Also, my apologies for not blogging about about the details of my experiences.  Please understand this is not from being lazy or not wanting to keep up with the blog.  Not only are our days completely filled, but for the rest of the tournament the assignment of umpires to games gets tricky.  Mike Legge and his crew (Frank and Doc) are doing a fantastic job of keeping us all on the straight and narrow while trying to balance out the needs of the tournament in terms of umpire assignments.   There is a key principle at work as well: you are not permitted to work a game involving a team from your region.  Starting tomorrow, that provides even more problems for Mike and colleagues because some the regions will be collapsed into each other (e.g., Midwest and Great Lakes become one region).  Therefore, any game involving a team from the above two regions will not be umpired by my good buddy Jesse Howard or myself. This situation is the same for many of my new umpire buddies.  In short, because of these complexities and the possible outcomes of the late games can affect who does umpire, Mike cannot make assignments until the end of the day.  This means that I can't get the word out to all of you until even later that night.  Hence, please keep checking the blog (or send me messages via email, text, or Facebook for updates) and don't hesitate to post responses, comments, criticisms, love, hate, .... whatever.  I'd love to hear from you no matter what medium you use.  I cannot tell you how appreciative I am of your support.

Again, this entire LLWS experience cannot be described in words.  I'm in umpire heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Dr. Cooper! I wasn't able to see much because of my schedule but I am going to try today!
